

a novel by
Whitley Strieber

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TOR/Forge Books, April 2011

For years, people have feared that sexual material removed from victims of alien abductions might lead to the creation of something that modern science considers impossible: hybrids of the alien and the human. They would think like aliens, but appear human, and be able to do something that full-blooded aliens can't — walk the earth freely.
     In Hybrids, Whitley Strieber unleashes his unparalleled skills as a thriller writer and his unique knowledge of the abduction phenomenon to explore what might happen if hybrids invaded the earth — not from the stars, but from exactly where the aliens told him they would emerge, when one of them said, “We will come from within you.”


Pre-publication notes about Hybrids

“Publisher's Marketplace, July 10, 2008: [Whitley Strieber's] HYBRIDS, a romantic thriller about a love affair between human and alien, in a good deal, for publication in 2010, by Russell Galen at Scovil Chichak Galen Literary Agency.”